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Organizational Communications Trends for 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how critical communications is to an organization’s success. It will be no exception in 2022. Communications is now expected to happen with a tap of a button and be on the go. Over the last two decades, organizations’ ability to communicate with constituents has significantly evolved, and this trend is expected to continue in 2022. Organizations are now reaching their audiences in new and imaginative ways thanks to the broad usage of digital communication tools and technologies.

Effective and efficient communication with internal and external audiences is vital for organizational viability and growth. It is crucial that organizations select and implement the specific communication methods that are most aligned with their needs and strategic objectives. With the cadre of internet-enabled smartphones and social media platforms, organizations are able to engage with their audiences in a targeted, measurable, and low-cost manner.

How this translates to an organization’s communications strategy, both internal and external communications can include the following trends, which will empower enterprise organizations to have a significant impact this year.

Increased investment in social media advertising

The use of social media for advertising will intensify in 2022. The rapid growth of organizations using social media platforms to advertise their products and services in a targeted manner for little overhead. Because of this, more organizations will capitalize on this method of business communications in 2022.

A focus on mobile-friendly communications 

Data analytics show that mobile visitors are an increasing majority. With the commonplace use and adoption of mobile smart phones, organizations are relying more on using mobile-friendly communications to connect with stakeholders and community audiences alike. Organizations are expected to pay more attention to the benefits of using mobile phone technology to broadcast their messages to internal and external constituents. 

Inspiring and provoking with visual communications

One part communications design and one part graphic design, visual communications uses visual elements to impart a message, engage to inspire change, and provoke emotion. 2022 will continue to see visual communications as a major trend. Effective visual communications have crafted messages that effectively and efficiently convey meaning with eye-catching designs to educate and motivate. Visual communications can be infographics, interactive content, animation, advertising, and electronic resources. Internal and external audiences are more likely to engage with visual communications rather than only text. Video messages from the executive suite may be perceived as more genuine, credible, and authentic because a person in the C-suite is delivering the message. 

Allowing on-demand content to flow

Broadcasted and pre-recorded messages, such as videos, webinars, and seminars, as well as courses, informational materials, and workshops have rapidly become a most sought-after means for communications. This growth has been accelerated by COVID-19 life. Audiences have become accustomed to gaining access to content whenever and wherever they want. Organizations are finding ways to share pre-recorded messages with staff and stakeholders, as well as providing ongoing communications outreach to highlight upcoming seminars, lectures, and webinars for professional development. 

The ways organizations communicate information will continue to multiply and increase in sophistication. Audiences are no longer consuming information and content in the same way. Effective and efficient communications with audiences is vital for an organization’s viability and growth. It is therefore imperative that organizational communications methods both current and emerging are chosen and executed to advance the alignment of the organization’s goals and strategic objectives with audience needs and interests. 

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