Digital Impact Summit 2023

Forum One is hosting the second annual Digital Impact Summit, a premier event that explores the intersection of technology, strategy, and mission-driven impact. If you’re a nonprofit leader, a government agency professional, or an individual committed to driving progress, the Summit is designed for you!

Event Details​​​

Dates: October 18-19

Duration: 2 hours each day (12:00-2:00pm ET / 9:00-11:00am PT), with in-person social hours at 5 PM local time on October 19 in select cities.

Format: Virtual Sessions + In-person Social Hours

Cost: FREE

Featured Speakers

Our lineup includes an impressive array of experts in the digital field, including:

  • Afua Bruce, co-author of The Tech That Comes Next
  • Adele Waugaman, US Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • Caitlin Augustin, DataKind
  • Ebony Walton, National Center for Education Statistics
  • Joel Gurin, Center for Open Data Enterprise
  • John Zoltner, Save the Children US
  • Laura Walker McDonald, International Committee of the Red Cross
  • Alexis Bonnell, Air Force Research Laboratory
  • Jana Lynott, AARP Public Policy Institute

…and more to be announced soon!

Sessions and Topics

While we’re putting the finishing touches on our agenda, here’s a sneak peek at some of the engaging topics we’ll explore:

• Harnessing Data for Impact in Health, Education, and Climate

• The Transformative Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Mission-Driven Sector

• C​​​​rafting Engaging Digital Experiences to Drive Change

• The Emergence of Nonprofit and Public Product Design

By joining us, you will:

• Gain insights directly from mission-driven leaders on driving progress

• Discover what’s making an impact today and what’s needed tomorrow

• Identify mission-critical strategies for your organization

• Network and form valuable partnerships with peers

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a transformative event exploring digital solutions’ power in driving mission-driven progress. 

Are you ready to create impact?

We'd love to connect and discuss your next project.