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Making Meaningful Progress with Digital Transformation for Healthcare Professionals

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) is a professional organization representing the interests of pharmacists who practice in managed care settings. It publishes the Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy.

Digital transformation shifted upward on most organizations’ priority lists with the global pandemic. For health associations specifically, digital transformation has needed to focus on how to best serve members and other target audiences with the digital platforms they have at their disposal. A successful digital transformation strategy should be flexible enough to accommodate technology and organizational changes, and specific enough to chart a clear course that serves the heart of a health association: their membership. Let’s take a look at one health association we are working with that is making meaningful progress with digital transformation within their organization.

A digital-first approach to serving members

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) is a diverse, professional association—whose members include nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and other related professionals—whose mission is to improve patient health by ensuring access to high-quality, cost-effective medications and other therapies.

AMCP engaged Forum One to guide their transformation into a digital-first organization. The work began with a comprehensive discovery that included: nuanced audience and market research; interviews with AMCP staff and members; digital ecosystem, brand, and technology audits; and, the identification of key areas of opportunity.

The resulting strategic roadmap spans how AMCP’s brand is positioned, the services and products it provides to members, how to design and present its offerings in the digital space, the best-fit technical platforms and tools, and the organizational structure and governance AMCP needs to achieve sustained success. 

Personalizing the experience to engage different types of Members

To improve the digital experience for its members, AMCP designed and implemented distinct landing pages for individual and corporate members to deliver a personalized experience. The team also refined the user journey to sign up for membership, launched a members-only online community, redesigned the membership profile pages, and enhanced the Research and Trends sections to make them more interactive and personal for their members.

Quickly responding in the face of a global pandemic

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the Forum One team worked to pivot AMCP’s flagship NEXUS conference from in-person to virtual. This work included the evaluation, selection, and creation of a strategy to hold the virtual NEXUS 2020 event via the Pathable platform, the creation of an original animated video to promote the conference across digital channels, and used targeted advertising to drive attendance at the virtual conference while targeting new potential members.

All the while, the team worked to focus website design and development work on increasing the readability, discoverability, and shareability of AMCP’s ideas and resources, such as the COVID-19 Resource Center, and ensuring members keep their interests and preferences up-to-date to improve content personalization. 

Continuing to improve and optimize the digital experience

AMCP and Forum One have been working through a series of Agile, iterative development sprints to improve and extend their website (which runs on Drupal), to develop new member offerings, and improve the digital experience.

To date, their ongoing digital transformation work has further improved Drupal’s integrations with AMCP’s CRM, virtual event platform, and other third-party tools. Other iterative developments include custom Drupal code to streamline internal content production updates, an improved site search, integrating social media into the main website, a digital design system that better connects AMCP’s offerings to its members, and continued commitment to improve their business intelligence capabilities to measure digital performance against their business objectives and make better data-informed decisions to serve their members moving forward.

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