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My Top 10 Most Shared UX Articles

UX Top Ten

There are ten articles that I’m consistently sharing with clients and colleagues. This list goes out to you, Brian!

  1. How Many Testers in a Usability Study?
    Short answer: Use 5 participants for a usability study, at least 15 for card sorting, and 39 for eyetracking.
  2. Everybody Scrolls and Myth: People Don’t Scroll and There Is No Fold
    Dare: Go to your favorite website and don’t scroll.
  3. Kill Conversion Killing Carousels Now and Should I Use a Carousel?
    Carousels are used when decisions can’t be made. They signal lack of prioritization.
  4. Testing the Three-Click Rule
    Let’s talk about information scent, not number of clicks.
  5. Focus Groups are Worthless
    Focus groups give you one thing: “Opinions that participants are willing to speak in the presence of a group of strangers.” This is not audience research.
  6. The solutions to all our problems may be buried in PDFs that nobody reads
    Make sure you’re tracking and monitoring PDF downloads in your analytics. There’s a good chance they’re not getting as much usage as you would hope.
  7. The Home Page Is Dead
    Your audiences are likely bypassing the home page and diving to a deeper sub-page thanks to Google searches and social media. It’s time to design like every page is your home page.
  8. What Percent of Page Views Share on Social Media? and GOV.UK social sharing buttons: the first 10 weeks
    Very, very, very few people use those social sharing buttons. Let’s think of a better, more meaningful way to integrate social media.
  9. 11 Questions to Kick-off Your Client’s Website Refresh Project
    So many great questions here. This is where you should always start.
  10. The Case for the Web Editor-in-Chief
    All this work won’t last if there’s no one to own and oversee it later!

Tip: The Nielsen Norman Group is the place to go for UX research articles. I highly recommend their weekly newsletter: Alertbox.

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