Blog Insights
New Year, New Content Strategy

It’s that time again: planning for the new year and a chance to better engage your users with your content.

If you’re like everyone else, you are running low on time with competing end-of-year priorities. We’ve got a few tips to help you get a strong start at making your content work for you in 2018. 

1. Revisit Your Messaging Strategy

Your organization is telling a story – but does it still jive with what you want your audience to hear? Spend some time during your next content meeting to assess new content and make sure it aligns with your strategic priorities for 2018.

2. Refresh Your Writing for the Web Skills

Is your website hard to find? Maybe your headlines are too long or you don’t have enough keywords in your copy. Revisit some key tips for writing for the web: don’t repeat yourself, write headlines that resonate, don’t use jargon, and know who you are talking to. Perhaps you will look at your content with a new lens!

3. Revamp Your Editorial Calendar

Are you using your editorial calendar to help guide and plan your work or is it collecting virtual dust in a folder somewhere? Take it out and dust if off because it could really help with efficiency in the new year. Planning ahead for content and assigning contributors will make your new year transition a lot smoother.

4. Tighten up Your Governance

Check in with your editorial team, including the person responsible for posting content on your site, to uncover if they have any suggestions for improvement. You may want to rethink how you often you post content or areas where you can be more efficient in producing new content and updating existing content.

Check out Our Content Strategy Webinar!

Hot off the presses, we delivered a webinar this week that uncovers the mystery of what “content strategy” means. Listen in and you will learn more about planning for the arrangement, creation, delivery, and management of your content.

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