Omnichannel Marketing for Mission-Driven Organizations
Omnichannel marketing is about viewing the digital experience through your audience’s eyes and then developing a user experience across all channels that is seamless, integrated, and connected.
Forum One works with mission-driven organizations to build effective omnichannel marketing strategies that lead to better data, improved segmentation and personalization, increased visibility and communication between teams and departments, more effective allocation of resources and marketing spend, and increased brand awareness across target audiences.
Communications and user experience strategy
Ten years ago, your audiences rarely interacted with your organization across multiple channels or devices. Today, your audiences interact with you through multiple channels and devices sometimes to complete a single task. This is why an effective omnichannel strategy needs to have a seamless user experience and a tailored yet consistent set of messaging across all channels and devices. Forum One works with mission-driven organizations to develop consistent messaging frameworks and seamless, integrated user experiences that work to drive their organizational impact and omnichannel marketing strategies.
Technology and digital ecosystems
At the center of your omnichannel strategy is the technology that delivers your messaging and user experience while collecting valuable data so that you can continually improve and adapt to the changing needs of your audiences. Forum One works with mission-driven organizations to analyze, improve, and build upon their digital ecosystems to unify and unsilo organizational data, drive messaging to the right audiences at the right time through the right channels, and fuel impact through fully-integrated digital ecosystems. We work with organizations to select, implement, and adapt their digital technologies for the long run.
Paid media and channel optimization
Forum One works with organizations to develop, execute, and manage robust paid media strategies that are effective across all channels. Through detailed and personalized omnichannel marketing journeys, we support our clients in crafting the right messages and calls-to-action on each of their digital channels, and through a data-informed approach, optimizing those channel messages and strategies to meet the needs of target audiences.
Data and analytics strategy
A key benefit to an omnichannel marketing strategy is that it allows you to collect and unify your audiences’ data across previously disparate technologies and channels by making sure that your marketing technology stack and overarching digital ecosystem are fully integrated. We work with mission-driven organizations to develop effective data collection, management, governance, and analytics strategies that ensure that you are making the most out of your data and using it to effectively curate and adapt your messaging, user experience, and paid media to fit the needs of your audiences while reaching the goals of your organization.