Blog Insights
Knowing your Audiences and How to Move Them

You know about message-less marketers: the ones who say things but don’t tell you anything at all. They are successful at getting people to pay attention, though they have little to say. Are you a message-less marketer? Now, more than ever, knowing your audiences is a very important part of knowing how to move them. Let’s explore some steps you can take today to strengthen your position and move audiences to take action.

Know who you are, and don’t forget it

Your organization has a mission and a reason for existing. Solidifying this mission and helping your audiences—both internal and external—understand how to tell that narrative will be crucial in this time of increased skepticism. Start by ensuring that everyone is moving in lockstep toward the same goals and create a shared understanding of your work to gain brand efficiencies in the long run.
  • Create consistent narratives around your work and share them with your team; use these narrative themes across all content to create cohesive messaging.
  • Find ways to measure your impact in your sphere of influence and communicate it to audiences so they understand why your work is important.
  • Build your key differentiators and fold them into your messaging so that people understand what sets you apart and why they should care.

Know your audiences, really well

The key to a successful message is found in knowing your audiences and what they care about. Having a message, and making sure it’s one that resonates with your users, will serve you well. You’ll be much more successful in telling your brand story, and starting momentum around your cause, if you pay attention to what your audiences are looking for and develop a clear set of messages to match what they care about.
  • Conduct audience research to understand what motivates your audiences what could potentially stop them from taking action.
  • Build tailored messages based on these audiences and define how you will communicate them across all your platforms.
  • Create clear avenues for users to contribute to your cause or mission by developing straightforward user paths and calls to action that map to your goals and audience needs.
The challenges may be many, but there is no time like the present to bolster your cause and strengthen your organization’s resolve to extend your influence and impact our world. Starting with your mission, clarifying it for your own team, and building messages that map to audience motivations will help your brand persevere.

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