Category Archive: Uncategorized

Delight in Unexpected Places

In a typical UX document, joy and whimsy are usually nowhere to be found. It’s like we forgot that the X in UX stands for "experience." What’s wrong with adding a little bit of delight? It takes nothing away from the functionality of the website or application. In fact, it’s… Read More

Hacking with the Feds for a Greener World

Hackathons promote open, transparent government by fostering collaboration and innovation between government agencies and U.S. citizens. Ultimately, this improves how government implements innovation, how it operates, and how it facilitates information exchange across agency boundaries. For the third year in a row, Forum One participated in the federal government’s… Read More

Rebrands, Feedback, Data Visualization…

"What We’re Talking About" is a blog series featuring the articles, websites, topics, and trends that the Forum One team has been chatting about. Two brands rolled out new logos recently: Guinness and Instagram. Did you notice either of the new ones out in the world?… Read More

Have We Reached the Peak of Civic Tech?

The answer to this intentionally provocative question depends on whom you ask, how you define “civic tech,” and how you interpret “peak.” At Forum One, we’re passionate about initiatives that involve open data and improvements in government. We’ve assisted with the roll out of the California Open Data… Read More

Top 5 Planning Tips for Drupal 8

Recently, we published a comprehensive guide to planning your upgrade to Drupal 8. We followed that up with a webinar—watch it below. But in today’s time-pressed world, many people need a 30-second outline of what they need to know and do. Here are your steps: Step 1: Set Your Overall… Read More

Bears, Boarding Passes, Boring Logos…

"What We’re Talking About" is a blog series featuring the articles, websites, topics, and trends that the Forum One team has been chatting about. Another long-form piece came to our attention this week from National Geographic, giving users “A Bear’s-Eye View of Yellowstone.” The single page feature follows the… Read More

Good Data Visualization Practice: Tile Grid Maps

As I consider data visualization practices, I would be remiss not to include ways to display map data, as it is clearly a prevalent data visualization case. To that end, in this latest in my series of reviews of good data visualization practices, I consider an increasingly-popular mapping approach: tile… Read More

Designing for Millennials, Designers Coding, Harriet Tubman…

"What We’re Talking About" is a blog series featuring the articles, websites, topics, and trends that the Forum One team has been chatting about. Millennials…that precious audience that so many of our clients are trying to reach. This week we read a report by Kate Meyer with research results… Read More

Designing for the Olympics, Messy Interfaces, Prototyping Tools…

"What We’re Talking About" is a blog series featuring the articles, websites, topics, and trends that the Forum One team has been chatting about. The 2016 Summer Olympics Games are right around the corner. Designing the look and feel for the Olympics is a massive undertaking that takes years, so… Read More

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